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Accomplishing safe and efficient driving is one of the predominant challenges in the controller design of connected automated vehicles (CAVs). It is often more convenient to address these goals separately and integrate the resulting controllers. In this study, we propose a controller integration scheme to fuse performance-based controllers and safety-oriented controllers safely for the longitudinal motion of a CAV. The resulting structure is compatible with a large class of controllers, and offers flexibility to design each controller individually without affecting the performance of the others. We implement the proposed safe integration scheme on a connected automated truck using an optimal-in-energy controller and a safety-oriented connected cruise controller. We validate the premise of the safe integration through experiments with a full-scale truck in two scenarios: a controlled experiment on a test track and a real-world experiment on a public highway. In both scenarios, we achieve energy efficient driving without violating safety.
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This paper considers mixed traffic consisting of connected automated vehicles equipped with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectivity and human-driven vehicles. A control strategy is proposed for communicating pairs of connected automated vehicles, where the two vehicles regulate their longitudinal motion by responding to each other, and, at the same time, stabilize the human-driven traffic between them. Stability analysis is conducted to find stabilizing controllers, and simulations are used to show the efficacy of the proposed approach. The impact of the penetration of connectivity and automation on the string stability of traffic is quantified. It is shown that, even with moderate penetration, connected automated vehicle pairs executing the proposed controllers achieve significant benefits compared to when these vehicles are disconnected and controlled independently.
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In this paper, we consider incorporating data associated with the sun's north and south polar field strengths to improve solar flare prediction performance using machine learning models. When used to supplement local data from active regions on the photospheric magnetic field of the sun, the polar field data provides global information to the predictor. While such global features have been previously proposed for predicting the next solar cycle's intensity, in this paper we propose using them to help classify individual solar flares. We conduct experiments using HMI data employing four different machine learning algorithms that can exploit polar field information. Additionally, we propose a novel probabilistic mixture of experts model that can simply and effectively incorporate polar field data and provide on-par prediction performance with state-of-the-art solar flare prediction algorithms such as the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Our experimental results indicate the usefulness of the polar field data for solar flare prediction, which can improve Heidke Skill Score (HSS2) by as much as 10.1%.
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Granger因果关系(GC)检验是一种著名的统计假设检验,用于研究一个时期的过去是否影响了另一个时间的未来。它有助于回答一个问题序列是否有助于预测。 Granger因果关系检测的标准传统方法通常假设线性动力学,但是这种简化在许多现实世界应用中不存在,例如,神经科学或基因组学本质上是非线性的。在这种情况下,施加线性模型,例如向量自回旋(VAR)模型可能会导致对真正的Granger因果相互作用的不一致估计。机器学习(ML)可以学习数据集中的隐藏模式(DL)在学习复杂系统的非线性动力学方面表现出巨大的希望。 Tank等人的最新工作建议通过使用神经网络结合对可学习的权重的稀疏性惩罚来克服VAR模型中线性简化的问题。在这项工作中,我们基于Tank等人引入的想法。我们提出了几类新的模型,这些模型可以处理潜在的非线性。首先,我们介绍了学识渊博的内核var(lekvar)模型 - var模型的扩展,这些模型也学习了通过神经网络参数的内核。其次,我们表明可以通过脱钩的惩罚直接将滞后和单个时间序列的重要性分解。这种去耦提供了更好的缩放,并使我们可以将滞后选择嵌入RNN中。最后,我们提出了一种支持迷你批次的新培训算法,并且它与常用的自适应优化器(例如Adam)兼容。癫痫患者的电脑电图(EEG)数据研究了在19个EEG通道之前,期间和之后的GC演变。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)在许多图形挖掘任务中取得了巨大的成功,这些任务从消息传递策略中受益,该策略融合了局部结构和节点特征,从而为更好的图表表示学习。尽管GNN成功,并且与其他类型的深神经网络相似,但发现GNN容易受到图形结构和节点特征的不明显扰动。已经提出了许多对抗性攻击,以披露在不同的扰动策略下创建对抗性例子的GNN的脆弱性。但是,GNNS对成功后门攻击的脆弱性直到最近才显示。在本文中,我们披露了陷阱攻击,这是可转移的图形后门攻击。核心攻击原则是用基于扰动的触发器毒化训练数据集,这可以导致有效且可转移的后门攻击。图形的扰动触发是通过通过替代模型的基于梯度的得分矩阵在图形结构上执行扰动动作来生成的。与先前的作品相比,陷阱攻击在几种方面有所不同:i)利用替代图卷积网络(GCN)模型来生成基于黑盒的后门攻击的扰动触发器; ii)它产生了没有固定模式的样品特异性扰动触发器; iii)在使用锻造中毒训练数据集训练时,在GNN的背景下,攻击转移到了不同​​的GNN模型中。通过对四个现实世界数据集进行广泛的评估,我们证明了陷阱攻击使用四个现实世界数据集在四个不同流行的GNN中构建可转移的后门的有效性
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